Hank Williams Sr Festival
Special Event Station – W4H
Annual Salute to a Legend
June 2025
Operational Information
When: Start time is 0000 UTC, 4 June 2025; ending at 2359 UTC, 8 June 2024.
Where: During the festival (6-7 June), the special event station will be located at Watson Park, Georgiana, Butler County, AL, across from the festival grounds. Grid Square: EM61pp. CQ Zone: 04. ITU Zone: 08. Other operating times will be from local stations in the area.
Exchange: Call sign plus signal strength (RST for voice and dBm for FT8)
For additional information, send an email to hank at k4tns.com
Operating Frequencies
Voice (SSB) +/- 20KHz | Digital – FT8 |
7,180 KHz | 7,074 KHz |
14,250 KHz | 14, 074 KHz |
21,400 KHz | 21, 074 KHz |
28,400 KHz | 28,074 KHz |
Last ten contacts for W4H and Log Search
QSL Card Information
QSL Options:
- Order you card from ClubLog
- Send a self addressed, stamped envelope to JBWA, 274 W Pettibone Rd, Georgiana, AL 36033. Send your QSO information only, we do not need a QSL card from you.
- Contacts will be uploaded to LOTW and eQSL following the event.
QSL card front
QSL card back
About the Festival
Williams lived several years as a boy in a house that is now the Hank Williams Museum. Adjoining the house and museum is a five-acre park, which is the site of the festival. It is at this location that thousands of faithful Hank Williams fans and lovers of country music gather each year to renew old acquaintances, fellowship and listen to some of the best and original country music in the world.
The festival is located about one mile east of Interstate 65 at Exit 114.
More festival information can be found at https://hankfestival.com/